writing & speaking.
paper presentation: “Culinary queering on screen: conventions and subversions in food television,” Queer Food Conference, hosted by Boston University, 27-28 May 2024 (virtual participation).

“Food on TV escapes the grasp, with the potential to satiate as well as exasperate our hunger and thirst - in passing moments. With the senses engaged and desires tickled, what remains in the leftovers of a post-viewing world?”
from food&spectacle issue.
“Spectacles of the dinner table”
A mixed media contribution thinking about food and vicarious consumption in the food&spectacle issue of the Berlin based food& magazine.
”Queering the competitive cooking show: Performance on/of Netflix’s Nailed It!”
A peer-reviewed, open-access article that focuses on humor and sexuality as a queering performance in the Netflix original cooking show Nailed It!.
“Serving Up the American South: The Intersectional Politics of Barbecue in Food Media”
Co-authored peer-reviewed article that focuses on the intersectional politics of gender, race, and class of the media representation and discourse around Southern BBQ.
interview: “[Parole aux abonné(e)s] : Alkim Kutlu, une chercheuse en food studies,” Interview in Des Pages en Cuisine Newsletter, published in 19 April 2023. https://despagesencuisine.substack.com/p/interview-parole-abonnes-alkim-kutlu
paper presentation: “A seat at the table: Food television and the changing definition of food literacy and culinary capital,” The Outliers of Television, 2022 Critical Studies in Television Slow Conference, hosted by Edge Hill University, Online, 27 June-15 July 2022.
paper presentation: “Gnawing at the Past: Visceral Sense-making and Mediated Knowledge in Netlix’s Food Documentaries,” Epistemic Media: Atlas, Archive, Network 2022 NECS Conference, hosted by the National University of Theatre and Film, Bucharest, Romania, 22-26 June 2022.
paper presentation: “Bingeing Movement, Tasting Change: Political Activism in Contemporary Food Television,” Food Movements / Moving Food: Conference on Food, Sustainability & the Environment hosted by The Umbra Institute, Perugia, Italy, 9-12 June 2022.
paper presentation: “Cultural Politics and Contemporary Food Television in the US,” Seventh International Convention on Food and Drink Studies hosted by IEHCA, Tours, France, 2-3 June 2022.
lightening talk: “No longer turning away: Inclusivity and accountability (and culinary capital) in contemporary US food television,” Cultivating Connections: Exploring Entry Points Into Sustainable Food Systems, 2022 AFHVS and ASFS Joint Conference, hosted by The University of Georgia, Athens, Virtual Track, 18-21 May 2022.
paper presentation: “Changing Paradigms of Food Television During the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Transitions to Just and Sustainable Food Systems 2022 CAFS Conference in conjunction with the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Online, 12-14 May 2022.
lightening talk: “Breaking Bread: Changing Paradigms of Food Television During COVID-19,” Transitions to Just and Sustainable Food Systems 2022 CAFS Conference in conjunction with the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Online, 12-14 May 2022.
paper presentation: “Cooking from the Margins: Community and Intersectional Food Futures in Broken Bread (2019-)," Discourses on the future of food, The 2nd Biennial Conference on Food & Communication, Online, 15-17 September 2021.
paper presentation: “Remembering the American Dream: Cultural Diversity and Food Sovereignty in Food Media," Movement and Mobility in America, 40th International American Studies Conference of the American Studies Association of Turkey, Online, 28-29 June 2021.
paper presentation: "Edible Resilience: Ambiguous Depictions of Black and Indigenous Foodways in Food Documentaries," Just Food: because it is never just food, 2021 Joint Annual Conference of ASFS, AFHVS, CAFS, SAFN, hosted virtually by The Culinary Institute of America & New York University, 9-15 June 2021.
paper presentation: "Food, Remembrance and Empowerment in Cookbooks," 2nd Heidelberg Student Graduate Conference in English Studies, 7-8 June 2019.
paper presentation: "Feeding the Immigrant: Food as a Cultural Symbol in East Asian American Drama," 1st Heidelberg Student Graduate Conference in English Studies, 29-30 May 2018.